Roodgery Rosemberg
Being great is when you are striving to become the best version of you. We’re born into a societal mindset driven community and a lot of people lose themselves. They’re stuck in a job, relationship, or situation that they don’t want to be in, but DECIDE to stay. BEing GREAT is making the choice to not let your situation define you.
Daniel Calderon
When first starting a business, it is sometimes difficult to maintain a positive cash flow. One of the greatest moment in my life was the moment when I was doing my quarterly budget and I realized that I was financially free to cut my “corporate umbilical cord.” I know longer had to have a part time jobs in order to pay my bills. It was a great moment because I realized that all of my hard work was beginning to pay off.
Darrell Frye
I don't believe I've reached my GREATest accomplishment. However, I have conquered key milestones that have made me that much more closer to it. In fact, I believe setting out to move across the country without any family in Atlanta or any money to be honest was one of the most terrifying moments in my life that ultimately became one of the best decisions of my life. In detail, I enrolled into Morehouse College by faith and faith alone. The experience I gained at Morehouse College or in Atlanta at large was life changing. I was completely cultured shock being in a city predominantly ran by African Americans. Coupled with key leadership skills I gained at Morehouse College, I received a confident boost needed to be yet another African American World Changer.
Bola Ibidapo
My great moment was in 12th grade and being crowned as my high school’s first black Homecoming Queen. My dad was very sick at the time, so my older brother walked my down the field. When my name was called, he hit the dougie and everyone went crazy. It was his moment too.
Darren Sanders
Being Great means encompassing your true self, flexible and resilient. When you are great, you set a goal, look at what it takes to get there and you run through that shit and take it to a higher level. Taking your passion and fucking perfecting it.
(Excuse my language)
Chasity Cooper
Being great to me is all about authentically living in your truth and exercising gratitude on a daily basis. It's tapping into your joy, pursuing your purpose and connecting with people who will not only support that purpose, but push you to become the best that you can be. Finally, being great is not just absorbing your greatness for yourself, but it's sharing it and encouraging others to embrace their greatness as well.
Demetrius Daniel
So far, my greatest accomplishment has been seeing the impact I have had on students of color in the Washington, D.C. metro area. I have had the opportunity to implement mentoring programs that help low income high school students gain the soft skills needed to succeed in high school and matriculate and persist through college. With the mentoring services that I have been able to assist in providing, these students have lower chances of engaging in risky behavior and dropping out of high school.
Kyle Walcott
The greatest moment of my life was seeing my mother’s face and hugging her at the end of my college graduation ceremony. After 22 years of trials, tribulations, highs, and lows, the accomplishment served as reassurance to her that all her perseverance and resilience was worth it and paid off. I felt very happy knowing that my commitment to making her proud had reached a peak because when I graduated, she graduated again too.