Bola Ibidapo
What is your GREATest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment was living abroad in Argentina, becoming fluent in Spanish and coming back home alive. Is was during this trip that I learned how Independence I was, I became closer to Jesus, I learned that as introverted I am, that solitude is good. This experience eventually would fuel my passion to co-create the Too Fly Foundation, a nonprofit that provides travel grants and passports to our youth.
What has been the GREATest moment of your life?
My great moment was in 12th grade and being crowned as my high school’s first black Homecoming Queen. My dad was very sick at the time, so my older brother walked my down the field. When my name was called, he hit the dougie and everyone went crazy. It was his moment too.
What does BEing GREAT mean to you?
Being great means living a legacy greater than yourself. Being great means being able to lead. That is why Why I’m so passionate about my two nonprofits. The Too Foundation, which will allow students to gain the experience of travel and change their perspective, and The Queen Talk, which instills leadership and entrepreunership in young girls. There is nothing greater than inspiring our youth.