Darrell Frye
What is your GREATest accomplishment?
Honestly, I don't believe I've reached my GREATest accomplishment. However, I have conquered key milestones that have made me that much more closer to it. In fact, I believe setting out to move across the country without any family in Atlanta or any money to be honest was one of the most terrifying moments in my life that ultimately became one of the best decisions of my life. In detail, I enrolled into Morehouse College by faith and faith alone. The experience I gained at Morehouse College or in Atlanta at large was life changing. I was completely cultured shock being in a city predominantly ran by African Americans. Coupled with key leadership skills I gained at Morehouse College, I received a confident boost needed to be yet another African American World Changer.
What has been the GREATest moment of your life?
Similar to the GREATest accomplishment, I have conjured up a few moments I am looking forward to being present in. However, for the sake of embracing my now I believe the GREATest moment in my life so far was reuniting with my Father. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison when I was only 3 years old, yet he remained in my life through calls and actually never missed a birthday. However, when we reunited face to face and I had a chance to hug my dad in real life another piece of my heart was connected. It was truly one of the happiest days of my life.
What does BEing GREAT mean to you?
Being GREAT means pushing passed obstacles. It means overcoming struggles. Being GREAT is not a destination it is a consistent push to be a better version of yourself.