Demetrius Daniel
What is your GREATest accomplishment?
So far, my greatest accomplishment has been seeing the impact I have had on students of color in the Washington, D.C. metro area. I have had the opportunity to implement mentoring programs that help low income high school students gain the soft skills needed to succeed in high school and matriculate and persist through college. With the mentoring services that I have been able to assist in providing, these students have lower chances of engaging in risky behavior and dropping out of high school.
What has been the GREATest moment of your life?
Mark Twain once said, " The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” One of the greatest moments in my life was graduating with my Master of Social Work degree. While I always felt I had the capacity to do great work, the degree credentialed that feeling. Since graduating, I had been able to impact the lives of youth in North & South Carolina and Washington DC. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
What does BEing GREAT mean to you?
At its core, to me, being GREAT means being the best version of yourself, living your best life, to the best of your ability.