Passion, Purpose, Greatness, and Doubt.

So it’s been a little while since I wrote to you guys, and if I were to sum it up in one word — “challenging” would be the concise synopsis.

For the first time in my career, I had to dive deep into the concepts of balance and synergy. I had to make crucial decisions, as we all do, as far as what hobbies and interests I needed to sever ties with. What was even more challenging, was discerning between passion and purpose.

So what do you do?

In redefining my answer to the question, “So Brandon, what do you do exactly?” I slowly uncovered that I was moving with great velocity in several directions. Each direction was pointed towards passion or purpose, and each project was (and still is) moving with great momentum, but the downfall is moving quickly in multiple directions expends a great deal of energy — and I found myself tired.

At Clarkston; I’ve quickly grown passionate about education, analysis, and organizational design and enablement when it comes to culture, equity, inclusion, and diversity.

Too Fly Foundation; I’ve found myself even more passionate about equity, exploration, awareness, and opportunity for students of color when it comes to travel

Cap Culture Podcast; I’ve found myself excited (and passionate) about learning and uncovering the intersections within the business of culture — where tech has become a stronghold.

The Be Great Brand; my passion has shifted the most, and transitioned into an avenue for storytelling and activating change…. to be continued.

As you’ll notice, I mentioned “passion” for the endeavors I’m pouring the most energy into, through a good bit of journaling, a few late-night conversations, and some prayer my purpose is being molded into — being prolific in building bridges and activating change.

The crossroads of passion and purpose.

For those of you that are highly passionate, high-potential, and fueled by impact — know you can relate to having to decipher between passion and purpose. As it’s not easy to bring what seems to be very disjointed “passions” into a synergistic “purpose.”

“Work smarter, not harder,” is something we often say but rarely implement. Once we do figure out the whole “working smarter thing,” and begin to stabilize, and in turn, get comfortable — we often are in desire of the next challenge and fall back into the cycle of depletion.

What’s the next business? The next project? What other leadership position can I take on? When am I ready for the next promotion? etc.

I’ve come terms with the fact that this ebb and flow of challenge, excelling, and discomfort will continue to exist. Though, I’m learning to find a comfort in challenge, fuel in doubt (especially if it’s self-doubt), and pride in impact — knowing that the greatest impact is seeded in challenge.

Never be defined by doubt.

I’m currently reading the book Flying Without a Net: Turn Fear of Change into Fuel for Success, as a part of a leadership program — coincidently enough I read the below passage a few hours before writing this note & launching my “DOUBTERS” campaign:

“Successful, smart professionals may seem sufficiently confident that they don’t need [this] sense of inclusion, but beneath that outer confidence is an inner doubter: Do I measure up? Am I as good as everyone thinks I am? Does management see me as an indispensable A-player or a disposable part?”

I had the opportunity to hear the late Kobe Bryant speak at a conference in December. When he took the podium the first thing he said was, “I’m not talking about basketball, I’m talking about storytelling and creativity at this stage in my life this is what I’m passionate about, this is what my purpose is.” It was his tragic death a few short months later that pulled me out of my ‘creative funk’ to pull together the remnants of the DOUBTERS campaign that I left on the shelf in November. In digging through content for the campaign, I came across a video of Kobe speaking on self-doubt, he said:

“[Doubt] excites me, that’s the difference. when I have self doubt it excites me — it’s a challenge. Let’s see. I don’t know if I can do it or not but I’m going to find out.”

Doubt is what puts your passion and purpose to the test. Are you going to settle, or be excited? Are you going to waste your greatness — the awe-inspiring genius that is waiting to be unleashed and embraced?

If you’re a believer (and even if you’re not) I encourage you to check out Steven Furtick’s sermon “Your Season to Succeed” where he parallels doubt and discomfort to a planted seed — it is at this moment where there is the most potential, the most uncertainty, and highest levels of doubt.

In Conclusion.

We all have seasons of uncertainty. Times where challenges seem insurmountable and balance feels unattainable. This is a breeding ground for doubt — whether it be the doubt of others or self-doubt. For me, discerning between passions and purpose and finding my north star gives me the excitement to stare doubt eye-to-eye and overcome it. Know that doubt is normal, and doubt only means that you are planted and full of potential; don’t let it define you.

Yield your fruit; Be Prolific.

(and also) Be Great,

check out the doubters campaign | connect with me on linkedin | purchase the brand.u branding workbook | buy the intersection: shifting into greatness on amazon | listen to cap culture podcast | donate to too fly foundation


Mind the Gap